Debian Packaging Policy for Vim

Debian VIM Maintainers


Version 2.0

Table of Contents
1. Vim Addon Packaging in a Nutshell
2. Vim Packaging
3. Packaging of Vim Addons
3.1. Addon Structure
3.2. Addon Packages
4. Tools

1. Vim Addon Packaging in a Nutshell


This section contains a brief howto of what to do to package a Vim addon (plugin, syntax definition, ...) in Debian. This section is not the full policy nor the guidelines for doing that; have a look at the remainder of this document for such information.

So you've found on a cool extra feature for your beloved editor (Vim) and you want it to be packaged in Debian. It's as easy as implementing the following 4 steps:

  1. create an architecture: all .deb binary package called vim-ADDON, where ADDON is the addon name. See Section 3.2 for more info on this.

  2. make your package ship all the files composing your addon (usually .vim and .txt files) under /usr/share/vim-ADDON/. The files should be shipped as a file and directory tree isomorphic to what you want to see in a runtime Vim directory. So if for example the addon documentation says that something should be installed as plugin/foo.vim then you should ship it as /usr/share/vim-ADDON/plugin/foo.vim. See Section 3.1 for more info on this.

  3. create a debian/vim-ADDON.vim-addon specifying the files and/or directories making up the addon. If neovim is also supported, create a corresponding debian/vim-ADDON.neovim-addon for it, or a symlink if the same set of files are used. See the dh_vim-addon manual page, in the dh-vim-addon package, for more details.

  4. add Depends: ${vim-addon:Depends} to the binary package stanzas.

That's it! Easy, isn't it?